Appointments 080 6666 8811/22/33

Emergency 080 6666 8877/88

Without laboratories, men of science are soldiers without arm.

Aarogya Hastha Diagnostics conducts different investigations on clinical specimens to obtain information on the health of patients to aid in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.

Aarogya Hastha Diagnostics is here to provide 24×7 service. Our services are comprised of:

Our laboratory medicine team comprises experienced specialized doctors, highly skilled and experienced medical laboratory technicians and phlebotomists. Our laboratory is well equipped with state-of-the-art instruments with lab interfacing and an integrated system to provide investigation reports within the defined turnaround time.

Our service operatives:

The Department of Internal Medicine at Aarogya Hasta Hospital provides a comprehensive range of healthcare services focused on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult medical conditions. Their offerings include:

Haematology & Clinical Pathology

Haematology and Clinical Pathology deals with testing on whole blood, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluids and other body fluids, helping clinicians correlate diagnosis and assess disease progression.

Medical Microbiology

Medical Microbiology is a branch of medicine that manages the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Medical microbiologists help diagnose infectious diseases (bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral) and can guide the treating doctors in further treatment options. They help set up the best infection control practices inside the hospital so as to prevent hospital-acquired infections.

Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology

Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological fluids, including blood, serum or plasma, urine or tissues for specific chemical constituents or physiologic processes.

Haematology & Clinical Pathology

Haematology and Clinical Pathology deals with testing on whole blood, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluids and other body fluids, helping clinicians correlate diagnosis and assess disease progression.